Last year I took another photography class. Well, its actually the same photography class that I took before but some of the assignments were a little different. I've been meaning to share these pictures with you but I never got around to it. (i just checked my previous posts...turns out, I already shared with you the first assignment.)
My second assignment was obviously a shutter speed assignment. For those of you who don't know what a shutter speed is.... google it. I had to turn in three stop action shots, three motion blur shots, and one panning. again, if you don't know what that is, i recommend you google it. I would explain it to you but I'm terrible at explaining things!
stop action .1
stop action .2
stop action .3
motion blur .1
motion blur .2
motion blur .3
panning .1
We got bonus points for dropping something in a liquid.
bonus .1