Arthur woke up suddenly from his dream.
Or was it a dream? Confused, he looked around him. He was on the lawn on campus. It almost looked like stadium seating. Big, grassy steps in a half circle with many students lounging around doing homework and daydreaming in the sun. It was almost a small valley. Betty was right beside him reading something. He shook his head to try and clear it.
"Go to the strong one" the voice had said. He know that must mean Leo, he just knew. Leo was big, he had a clear cut jaw line and dirty blonde hair and was also 6 foot 3.
Art jumped up and grabbed Betty's arm, "Come on. We gotta go."
She looked up at him and said, "oh alright." She quickly began to gather her possessions and stuffed them into her backpack.
Art had already spotted Leo with his girlfriend Clarissa closer towards the top of the lawn and was making his way up to them.
"What's this all about?" Betty looked confusedly at Art who, ignoring her, walked right up to Leo.
"Art! Betts! How you doing guys!" Leo said with a huge contagious smile.
"Hey Leo," Betty said, still looking at Art, waiting for an answer. Art looked somewhat relieved and sat down next to Leo.
The small talk began. Hi, how are you? How is class? How you liking
this professor? How you doing in
that class? What do you think of this other thing? Betty sighed and looked to the bottom of the lawn, uninterested in their conversation. Something looked weird. Something wasn't right.
The floor at the bottom of the lawn started to sink in. It looked as if something huge had landed there. Which was impossible, right?
She stood up. Water was flowing into the lawn. Students began to run for their lives uphill. Wide eyed she yelled, "Art! Look!" The water was almost to them. Art, Leo and Clarissa leapt up and ran uphill as fast as they could, barely escaping the water. For, just as suddenly as it came, it went away.
Panting, Clarissa said, "What the heck was that!"
Much Love,