

I know i knowwww...

im like 33000 months late.


haha but i just wanted to share with you the pictures i took of my sisters costume. I think its the first time she ever dressed up for halloween. We were never allowed to as kids.

Anyways so she made this :)

Have a good day!!

Much Love,


Christmas Morning: Before Presents

I snapped a couple shots while waiting for everyone to wake up and for my Grandma and Aunt to arrive.

I know i knowwww... i'm like super late a Christmas is already a MONTH away (almost).


like i care.

Needless to say, I love my family :)

I love my siblings and my cousins and my grandma <3

They are.

The best <3

My and my sister have a tradition of putting a little present for each other under the mini Christmas tree we put in our room and opening it first on Christmas! Its always been a challenge to find something small and awesome.

This year she asked for mustaches. Yes. Mustaches! So this is what I got her :)

Hope your Christmas was lovely!

Do you have any neat little traditions?

Much Love,



God has been teaching me alot this past week. its been a rough week in more than one way.

Physically and emotionally exhausting!

Now I can't tell you about the emotion part just yet. But just know its been super draining. And it gets harder with each wave. And little things are starting to make me break down.

Physically its been super hard too.  Waking up every morning at 6:30. The first couple days or so were actually super easy. I thought id would be hard at first then get easier.

Boy was I wrong!  It was easy and now its suuuupppperrrr hard.

Plus the fact that my staying up late habit hasnt really gone away. Im still staying up late...but not as late. haha So its harder to get up in the morning. I just want more sleep!

Sometimes I've been sleeping in a little later. So i havent really been doing so good at waking up at 6:30.


With all of these trials... I need to trust God. I need to remember that He is in control.

Perspective is everything.

God doesn't look so big and in control all the time.

Just take a step back.

He is in control.

He is soooooo big!  So strong! So awesome!

He has got a good plan and He holds me in his hands!

It is sooo nice just to rest in Him and know He is in control. <3

Thank you Jesus!

Much Love,

(P.S. in those last two pictures its the same light post....just different views)


Weekly Sketchbook/Solvang

So I just joined a blog called the Weekly Sketchbook. Its confusing and I dont want to explain so i'll just send ya the link and you can figure it out :P HERE. thats for you. check it out.

 And I wanted to share with you some pictures from when i went to solvang. i didnt take many.

My meal was very yummy :) <3 meatballs. the gravy and mashed potatoes were HEAVENLY <3

Much Love,


My morning :)

Well, I made it through the day! 

It's only 8:30 and I feel about ready to crash!

Today I woke up at 6:30... am....

A. M.!!!!

Man. So early. 

But it was super helpful to have someone help me get up. My partner was my friend Valerie (check out her awesome blog here [if you dont already follow her]). All of us girls who started the 6:30am Club got paired up with someone. I sooooooo wanted to be paired with Val! and i was :) so i'm happy :)

Boy am I tired now. 6:30 is super early for me.

But. It. Was. Soooo worth it <3

Got up. Prayed. Read my Bible. Watched the sunrise. Read a book about joy. Copied verses. all before 9.  A.m. 

its so important.  

Why did i ever sleep in before?? 

oh yeah... cuz i like sleep. 

i'm really tired.

like..... really... and its not even 9pm yet!

The LORD is my Shepard. 






Much Love,



New Years Resolutions/6:30am Club

He had a very foggy New Years. 

Made it kinda seem spooky and mysterious! 
But I love the way fog looks.
So cool!

This was the first year I ever really made a new years resolution that i plan to keep.
I read this lovely article about making and keeping new years resolutions 
and so far i've used all but the 4th tip. 
It really has been helpful!

My new years resolution (i only made one) was to read my bible everyday.
Its manageable and easy to track.

This past semester I seriously didn't read my bible at all.
I could see myself turning into someone I didn't want to be. 
I was crabby and snappy at people and mean and selfish. 
And I didnt like it!

I was at a loss for what to do. 
However much i would like to take credit for this it wasnt me.
If it was up to me i wouldn't ever read my bible again!
I thank the Holy Spirit for making me pray that God would help me!
I thank the Lord for helping me make and keep this resolution!
(sorry for the poor quality. Taken with my phone. )
(...my wall isnt really pink. its actually a really light purple.)
(i hate pink.)

I printed out a calender and taped it to my wall next to my bed. I love reading my bible at night. For some reason its just easier for me at night then in the morning.
I'm NOT a morning person.

Which leads me to my next topic.

6:30am Club.

It was on of my friends idea for us girls to cultivate the habit of waking up early and being productive. 
So she got some girls together (so far only 6 of us) brave enough to try to wake up at 6:30 every morning.



i've always said that was an ungodly hour.

guess i was wrong.

Soooo this starts tomorrow morning (eep!)

I'm gonna go to bed early 
(I normally have been getting to bed past midnight..)

Thanks for reading!

Much Love,


Glass lids....

You know those glass lids?

Like the one above??

Well my family has one. 

But one dayyyyyyy..

out of NOWHERE!

Me and my mom hear a loud

And what do we see???


Made us sad.

But it looked pretty dang awesome!! :)

Much Love,