He had a very foggy New Years.
Made it kinda seem spooky and mysterious!
But I love the way fog looks.
So cool!
This was the first year I ever really made a new years resolution that i plan to keep.
I read this lovely article about making and keeping new years resolutions
and so far i've used all but the 4th tip.
It really has been helpful!
My new years resolution (i only made one) was to read my bible everyday.
Its manageable and easy to track.
This past semester I seriously didn't read my bible at all.
I could see myself turning into someone I didn't want to be.
I was crabby and snappy at people and mean and selfish.
And I didnt like it!
I was at a loss for what to do.
However much i would like to take credit for this it wasnt me.
If it was up to me i wouldn't ever read my bible again!
I thank the Holy Spirit for making me pray that God would help me!
I thank the Lord for helping me make and keep this resolution!
I thank the Lord for helping me make and keep this resolution!
(sorry for the poor quality. Taken with my phone. )
(...my wall isnt really pink. its actually a really light purple.)
(i hate pink.)
I printed out a calender and taped it to my wall next to my bed. I love reading my bible at night. For some reason its just easier for me at night then in the morning.
I'm NOT a morning person.
Which leads me to my next topic.
6:30am Club.
It was on of my friends idea for us girls to cultivate the habit of waking up early and being productive.
So she got some girls together (so far only 6 of us) brave enough to try to wake up at 6:30 every morning.
i've always said that was an ungodly hour.
guess i was wrong.
Soooo this starts tomorrow morning (eep!)
I'm gonna go to bed early
(I normally have been getting to bed past midnight..)
Thanks for reading!
Much Love,
That is so encouraging to hear of His Spirit in you (and five others) that makes you WANT to sacrifice daily to grow in your knowledge and awe of God! May he grant your petition to selflessly dive into His word every day. Thank you LORD for your work in these adopted children's lives.