
So! Its July. Life is good.
Thank you for patiently waiting while i took a break from blogging. 
I don't know if i am back in full swing yet. 
But i felt bad leaving you hanging.

I have pictures to share, pictures to edit 
(i havent edited anything since i went on vacation)
I don't really have much to say though.
is that a bad thing?


This week is VBS at a church i don't attend. 
but i help out! and this year I'm in the preschool class.
its work, but its fun! they are soooo cute. and a lot of them like me.
hahaha :) it was really funny when we did the craft and some of them said they wanted to be with me. 
three of the kids decided to hold my hands as we crossed the parking lot back to class. 
they are so cute! did i mention that?
so im tired, but excited for tomorrow. 

How's your summer been so far?

Much Love,


  1. Glad to hear you're doing well and enjoying being with the little kiddies. =) Excited to see your pictures!

    My summer is pretty crazy so far. =)

  2. Glad your back! =) Sounds like fun! I love little ones.

    Myyy summer? In a word, crazy. My sister got married, then a few days later I flew out to Utah, where I've been for the past 5 weeks, and today I drove home with my parents and Matt. It's been crazy, and amazing! =)

  3. Aren't kids the best? They bring such joy to my heart! Haha :)

    My summer has been awesome! Why? Because God is awesome! He's been teaching me how to live for Him in everything and not to hold back from loving Him and serving others. He is soo good!

    Love you Tess! I hope I see you soon. <3

  4. :D Awesome! Thanks for serving the Body of Christ!
