
Just a little thought..

Am I the only person who thinks, when they hear the word "God", of someone far away and unconnected with me?

I don't always think that.  Well, let me rephrase that. I usually don't think that way.  Sometimes though. 
But, God the Father, God my Father!, that is something different entirely.   The other day as we were singing worship in church the lyrics to one of the songs said something about our Father.  And the thought really hit me.   He is my Father!  He loves me and takes care of me.   I don't deserve it.

It just gave me a different perspective of Him.  Ya know?  I had never really thought of it that way.

Don't you just love those moments?  When God opens your eyes to something in a way totally new to you?  :)  He is the best :)

Another thing I wanted to say. I would like you to pray for a couple friends of mine who are going through extreme pain.   The other day I had a little glimpse of what they are going through. It's not cool. They have baaaaaaaad head pain.   Not exactly headaches.  It's worse.  So you if you could pray for them I would really appreciate it :)

Live your life for God's glory!
Thanks for reading!

Much Love,


  1. That's great Tess! I TOTALLY love it when God reveals something new to us...very cool. =)

  2. This is a few days late...but, awesome insight Tessie! I love it when God turns on the light and shows us what is really going on! Thanks for posting! And...I'm praying!
