
Ummmm yes :)

So the other day I was thinking about how my brother is over 18 (which makes him an adult) but he's still a teenager!  So what does that make him?  Nothing other than a Teenadultager :)  (Teen-adult-ager) 

CHEA this past weekend was pretty awesome!  If you don't know what is it, its a Christian Home Educators Association thingy.  This years teen convention was WorldView Academy!  It was really cool.  I've been told by friends that I should go to worldview, but I never really wanted to.  Now I do :)  The only thing is, its kinda expensive... So we'll see :)

Sometimes I dunno why I even bother blogging.  Like now. I don't know why I'm doing this.  Maybe its just to get my thoughts out...? *shrugs*  I'd be nice if people read this, but I don't think many do. haha :)

I don't really have much to say and that's why this blog is so scattered and random...

So about that song I started learning on piano...  So far I've got 2 down, 27 more pages to go!  Phew!  :)   That's alot.  But I will finish it!.... eventually :)

Ummmm yes.

Thanks for reading!  Means alot :)  Cuz not many are willing to read my boring blog :P

Much Love,


  1. If you keep sayin' your blog is boring no one's gonna read it, silly! =P And it's not boring! If you're sharing don't say that. It is very fun to read what you've been up to and what your thoughts are. ^^

    Glad to hear you had fun at CHEA. Haven't been there in a while! But I have good memories. =] And very exciting about the song! =)

  2. I know how you feel. But i read your blog, don't worry. :)

  3. Yeah I know what you mean. Sometimes it helps when people comment because then you know they were actually THERE! And take heart I always keep up on my friends blogs! Sometimes you can think people really don't care but we do! And just think you do have 13 followers! Hey that's pretty good. I only have 8!

    I know wasn't CHEA AMAZING! I enjoyed myself SO much!

    As far as writing. Yeah I know. Sometimes it's hard to think up topics but if you think about what is most important in your life and what you are going through sometimes it is a great release to get them all out on paper or blog whatever! Even random posts are interesting because they reveal what your heart and mind are doing! Yes I know I need to stop psychoanalyzing!
