
just a thought.

this is a little preview of the size of pictures i will use in the hopefully not so distant future.. nice and big! :)

So i have this thing, where...im reaaaaaally bad at story telling.  and i know it.  but for some reason i keep trying to tell stories (especially the funny ones) and it fails.  miserably.  and i don't know why.  i can't figure it out.  
How come, then, do i enjoy writing stories? why the heck do i do it?  
i dont understand. 
makes me wonder about my blog. about my writing. is it any different from the stories? i think...yes..... *shrugs*

Much Love,


  1. i like them that big when there's only one photo. having them all like that is somewhat overbearing. but that's just me :) and i totally understand the story-telling-dilemma. trust me. i really do.

  2. I just want you to know, that I read this. And I am thinkin' about it...

  3. Don't be too hard on yourself, Tess. We all have our awkward fail moments when we're talking to someone or when we're telling a story. That happens to me alot. And it really doesn't matter what other people think. Telling someone a story that might be boring is better than not talking to that person at all or just ignoring them.

    I really like the picture :)

  4. I enjoy reading your blog, Tess. =) It's very encouraging!
