
Before Christmas Day

I apologize in advance for all the pictures. It took me forever to upload them so there's no way I'm not keeping them up here :P

My Christmas was awesome! Not gonna lie :) Got the coolest present ever and it was just a chill day.

My brother goes to Masters College and is a piano major. He preformed in what they call, Come Christmas Sing. 

All the music majors and people in music stuff put it on. Its quite amazing. 

A fun thing they do is at the beginning, where everyone is trying to find their seats, is they have someone preforming music (like the orchestra or something) and everyone else poses. In groups. Its quite hilarious! :)

Decorations around the house;

 So I found this thing...

It was like a make shift macro lens.  Pretty cool is you ask me. The pictures didn't turn out sooo great. but i like 'em!

This year I decided to make cool wrapping paper. So I did. :)

Christmas Eve.

My brother being...my brother...

Thanks for reading!!

Much Love,

1 comment:

  1. Glad to hear you had a great Christmas! Awesome pictures too! Those micro lens pics were looking fantastic!
