
Powerful Portaits

So i realize i never finished showing you my pictures from my photography class last year. 
i just kinda forgot about it. 
but now that i remembered i wanna show you! :)
here are the first three assignments i did [1] [2] [3]
besides the main six assignments we had to do, she gave us other random things to work on. 
(none of which i can remember at the moment)

Assignment #4 was
Powerful Portrait

she wanted us to take portraits that weren't the average, "say cheese!" pictures.
this one i had a lot of fun with! mostly because my sister is such a good model :)

I think our teacher wanted four pictures (i used 5) 
plus a list of other specific pictures.
which includes;
close up of hands (1)
close up of eye (2)
face out of focus (3)
window light with window (4)
window light no window (5)
unusual light source (6)

Here are my first five;

here are the other six;







Much Love,


  1. Gosh, these are awesome! I love the one of her reading...so cool! And, thank you so much for your sweet comments on my blog. Totally makes my day! =)

  2. I really like the one of her sitting on the box!

  3. These are beautiful!! I can't even pick a favorite. =)
    You are so talented, Tess!

  4. Some really great pictures there- you have talent young lady :)

  5. Lol. The final looks like Anna should be saying her goodbye's and then the freaky masked killer strikes.
